Reduce indirect restoration workflow complexity with Success Simplified.

Indirect restorative procedures currently encompass over 60 clinical and laboratory steps.¹ You have an opportunity to streamline your workflow by leveraging the latest scientific research findings and long-term clinical experience from 3M. The Success Simplified program provides clinicians with an orientation on indication-specific material selection and clinical tips that improve operational efficiency. Ultimately, the simplified recommendations can help in your efforts to streamline successful prosthodontic procedure outcomes.

  • Still from concept overview video
    What is Success Simplified? (Video 1:52min)
    Stefan Vandeweghe and Jan-Frederik Guth
  • Best-practice guidance for prosthodontic procedures.

    A standardised approach was needed to simplify indirect restoration workflows. 3M experts understood this challenge, and worked with clinical experts to develop Success Simplified to consolidate procedure stages into seven simple steps, while providing best practice recommendations for every indication.

    The evidence-based recommendations provide repeatable best practices to follow for complex procedures. Success Simplified adds structure to everyday workflows, helping to make patient outcomes more predictable. The program enhances a clinician’s ability to make the right decisions, leading to improved practice management and higher patient satisfaction.

    1. Reinhard Marxkors, Textbook on Dental Prosthetics, 2007.

Meet the founding members of Success Simplified

This concept started with a team of five international experts made up of both clinicians and academic researchers. Together, they’ve developed a consensus that’s based on the latest scientific findings, but also takes into account the challenges and constraints of a modern dental practice.

The 7 steps of the indirect restoration workflow

Indirect restorative procedures include seven distinct decision-making stages. Success Simplified organises each stage into actionable steps, providing useful information on product options, selection criteria and effective clinical techniques. Using these protocol recommendations, dental practitioners can easily choose case-specific solutions that address their unique needs.

7 steps of Success Simplified Icons with green background

Success Simplified booklet pages on a green background

Ready for more? Get the full booklet.

Download 3M’s free Success Simplified booklet with 80 pages containing material selection guidelines, case studies, clinical recommendations and more. The booklet was coauthored by a team of five international dental experts with clinical and academic research backgrounds.
Uncover research-based insights that can help you achieve better outcomes – every time. Learn to simplify and standardise your prosthodontic procedures using easy-to-integrate recommendations.


Discover more in our on-demand education and webinars

Join 3M experts and other dental professionals for regular events and webinars. Explore the latest topics to get information that can help you elevate performance and achieve success at your practice.

  • Professor Doctor Stefan Vanderweghe presenting in a webinar
    Watch featured webinar: 7 steps of Success Simplified

    Prof. Dr. Stefan Vanderweghe walks you through the 7 steps of the Success Simplified program to help you achieve reliable results. He guides you through all the steps, from material selection to impression taking and finally dental cementation and maintenance, to reach a reliable end-result. (11 min)

  • A woman presents at the front of a conference room
    Register for on-demand education

    The 3M Healthcare Academy allows you to browse a range of educational courses and on-demand webinars. When you are ready to build upon your body of knowledge, login and learn.

See Success Simplified at work.

Discover the impact of Success Simplified by watching case study videos. See how the program streamlines various indirect restorative procedures with real-world examples.

Restoration Materials

  • still from Clinical case using 3M™ Chairside Zirconia video
    Clinical case using 3M™ Chairside Zirconia

Post & Core

  • post & core solution using 3M™ RelyX™, Filtek™, and Scotchbond™ products
    Clinical case using 3M™ RelyX™ Fiber Post 3D, 3M™ RelyX™ Unicem 2, 3M™ Filtek™ Bulk Fill Posterior and 3M™ Scotchbond™ Universal
  • still image of clean post with alcohol
    Clinical case using 3M™ RelyX™ Fiber Post 3D, 3M™ RelyX™ Unicem 2, 3M™ Filtek™ Bulk Fill Flowable and 3M™ Scotchbond™ Universal
  • still image of a crown loss restoration
    Success Simplified at work: Traumatic crown loss restoration including a post and core procedure


  • still image of using 3M™ Protemp™ 4 and 3M™ Imprint™ 4 Preliminary
    Clinical case using 3M™ Protemp™ 4 and 3M™ Imprint™ 4 Preliminary


  • still image of Monophase Technique with 3M™ Impregum™ Penta™/ 3M™ Impregum™ Penta™ Soft
    Monophase Technique with 3M™ Impregum™ Penta™/ 3M™ Impregum™ Penta™ Soft
  • still image of  1-Step Technique with 3M™ Imprint™ 4 Penta™ Heavy Body & 3M™ Imprint™ 4 Light Body
    1-Step Technique with 3M™ Imprint™ 4 Penta™ Heavy Body & 3M™ Imprint™ 4 Light Body
  • still image from 2-step technique with 3M™ Imprint™ products
    2-Step Technique with 3M™ Imprint™ 4 Penta™ Putty & 3M™ Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Ultra Light
  • still from Clinical case using 3M™ Impregum™ Super Quick Polyether Impression Material video
    Clinical case using 3M™ Impregum™ Super Quick Polyether Impression Material
  • still from the 3M™ Astringent Retraction Paste video
    Animation how to use the 3M™ Astringent Retraction Paste


  • still from Cementation of a PFM crown with 3M ™ Ketac ™ Cem Plus Automix Cement video
    Cementation of a PFM crown with 3M™ Ketac™ Cem Plus Automix Cement
  • still from Cementation of a zirconia crown with 3M ™ RelyX ™ Unicem 2 Automix Cement video
    Cementation of a zirconia crown with 3M™ RelyX™ Unicem 2 Automix Cement
  • still from Cementation of a lithium disilicate crown video
    Cementation of a lithium disilicate crown with 3M™ RelyX™ Ultimate Automix Cement
  •  still of How to cement a zirconia crown with 3M™ RelyX™ Universal Resin Cement video
    How to cement a zirconia crown with 3M™ RelyX™ Universal Resin Cement
  • image of 3M™ RelyX™ Universal Resin Cement on glass ceramic partial restoration
    How to cement a glass ceramic partial restoration with 3M™ RelyX™ Universal Resin Cement and 3M™ Scotchbrand™ Universal Plus Adhesive
  • still image of using f 3M™ Filtek™ Bulk Fill Flowable Restorative
    Success Simplified at work: 60 minutes start to finish chairside onlay
  • still image of removing excess resin cement from the procedure
    Success Simplified at work: Esthetic full-contour zirconia anterior bridge seated with self-adhesive resin cement
  • still image of Zirconia adhesive bridge treatment
    Success Simplified at work: Zirconia adhesive bridge treatment of lateral incisor aplasia

Visit the Brain Floss blog

  • Brain floss powered by 3M logo

    The Success Simplified section of the Brain Floss blog features periodic posts that include clinical recommendations, guidelines, and more. Be sure to read and subscribe!