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Return your patients to their lives after surgery by optimizing post-operative healing. 3M innovations can help in improving healing times and lowering the risk of complications including surgical site infections (SSI), dehiscence, hematoma and seromas. Improved healing outcomes can reduce the total cost of care by reducing the length of hospital stay.
3M provides advanced negative pressure therapies and post-operative dressings designed to help manage and protect surgical incisions and wounds. 3M innovations solve healing challenges like no other and meet the needs of a variety of patient populations.
Nonhealing wounds, left untreated and unmanaged, can result in significant medical issues including infection.1
Infected wounds lead to higher costs and longer hospital stays.2
Patients with an SSI are 6x more likely to be readmitted within 30 days than those without an SSI.3
Deepen your expertise through professional training opportunities and educational resources designed just for you. Learn from experts in a wide range of fields in the healthcare industry.
1. Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders 3/25/2020
2. Anderson, D., et al. Strategies to Prevent Surgical Site Infections in Acute Care Hospitals: 2014 Update. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2014; 35(6),605-627. doi:1. Retrieved from doi:1
3. Canadian Surgical Site Infection Prevention Audit Month Report. Retrieved from