3M™ Trim Masking Tape

  • 3M ID B40067107

A translucent linered tape with a rigid band to lift soft pliable moldings

Hard band at the tape edge slightly lifts moldings from the body, concealing sharp paint edges

Speeds paint time – no need to remove or clean auto body moldings

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  • A translucent linered tape with a rigid band to lift soft pliable moldings
  • Hard band at the tape edge slightly lifts moldings from the body, concealing sharp paint edges
  • Speeds paint time – no need to remove or clean auto body moldings
  • Helps reduce replacement of existing moldings, saving money
  • Several available hard band widths help you choose the right tape for the right job

A translucent linered tape with a rigid band to lift pliable molding to allow paint coverage under the molding, thus eliminating a visible paint edge.

The firm strip of this tape is slid under the molding. The liner on the remaining adhesive side is then removed and the tape is folded over and adhered to the glass, actually lifting up the molding and allowing paint to flow under it. This tape saves time, labour, and the cost of removing and installing new moldings, plus the removal of paint lines on existing moldings.

Typical Properties