1 Clark R, Del Bono M, Stephens S-A et al. Simulated In-Use Tests to Evaluate a Non-Adherent Antimicrobial Silver Alginate Wound Dressing. Poster presented at: Canadian Association of Wound Care (CAWC); October 29 - November 1, 2009; Quebec City, Canada
2 Gray D. SILVERCEL™ Non adherent dressing: taking the pain out of antimicrobial use. Wounds UK. 2009; Vol 5(4) 3 Hart J, Bell A. Evaluation of two absorbent silver dressings in a porcine partialthickness excisional wound model. Presented at: Wounds UK Annual Conference; November 10-12, 2009; Harrogate, UK 4 Clark R., Bradbury S. SILVERCEL™ NON ADHERENT made easy. Wounds International Vol. 1(5) 2010 5 McInroy L, et al. Effect of a new non-adherent absorbent silver antimicrobial dressing on biofilm formation (in vitro). Poster presented at: Wounds UK Annual Conference; November 10-12, 2009; Harrogate, United Kingdom [not available] 6 Clark R. et al. The evaluation of absorbent silver containing dressings in vitro. Poster presented at: Wounds UK Annual Conference; November 10-12, 209; Harrogate, UK.Building A, 1 Rivett Rd, North Ryde NSW 2113
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