The following 3M Purchase Order Terms (“3M PO Terms”) apply to all orders made by 3M for goods and services:
PDF Document 3M Purchase Order Terms (PDF, 235 KB)
The following exhibits apply to each Purchase Order submitted by 3M and are incorporated therein by this reference. If Supplier is acting as Data Controller, the Privacy Exhibit – Controller shall apply. If Supplier is acting as Data Processor, the Privacy Exhibit – Processor shall apply. Supplier agrees to execute any annexes to the Privacy Exhibits as required by 3M:
PDF Document Compliance Terms (PDF, 210 KB)
PDF Document Privacy Exhibit – Controller (PDF, 83 KB)
PDF Document Privacy Exhibit – Processor (PDF, 106 KB)
PDF Document Security Exhibit (PDF, 49.5 KB)
PDF Document 3M China Privacy Security Exhibit.pdf (PDF, 158 KB)
PDF Document Artificial Intelligence Exhibit (PDF, 57 KB)
PDF Document Network Access Agreement (PDF, 60 KB)
If the 3M entity purchasing the goods or services is located in any of the following countries, the country specific terms below shall apply in case of any conflict between the country specific terms and the 3M PO Terms.